Motor actuated 2D laser scanners are key sensors for many robotics applications that need wide ranging but low cost 3D data. There exist many approaches on how to build a 3D laser scanner using this technique, but they often lack proper synchronization for the timestamps of the actuator and the laser scanner. However, to transform the measurement points into three-dimensional space an appropriate synchronization is mandatory. Thus, we propose two different approaches to accomplish the goal of calculating timestamp offsets between laser scanner and motor prior to and after data acquisition. Both approaches use parts of a SLAM algorithm but apply different criteria to find an appropriate solution. While the approach for offset calculation prior to data acquisition exploits the fact that the SLAM algorithm should not register motion for a stationary system, the approach for offset calculation after data acquisition evaluates the perceived clarity of a point cloud created by the SLAM algorithm. Our experiments show that both approaches yield the same results although operating independently on different data, which demonstrates that the results reflect reality with a high probability. Furthermore, our experiments exhibit the significance of a proper synchronization between laser scanner and actuator.